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Conceptual studies

Seamless planning 

We carry out wide-scale projects that require thorough planning. We design office buildings, schools, industrial buildings, state-of-the-art laboratories and health care and research facilities. These projects are often highly complex and must meet strict requirements.

Our work offers the most added value when it starts ahead of time, well before the first sketches. First, we conduct a series of preliminary studies that allow us to fully understand the specifics of each project.

A multi-part, comprehensive approach 

For the conceptual studies, we pay greater attention to the image that has to emerge from the construction as well as functional requirements and user comfort. We also take into account quality requirements, the budget and timetable, regulatory requirements that have to be met, preferred materials and systems to be integrated.

The project’s site is analyzed in detail as part of a feasibility study. The study varies according to whether it is for new construction or a renovation project. In the former case, we assess, for example, the site’s suitability and accessibility. In the latter case, we compare renovation and expansion costs with new construction costs.

We also create a master plan to provide a project overview. This makes it possible to use the land efficiently and design the building with a view to possibly expanding. As for the interior design, the master plan allows for flexibility and adaptability over time. This results in the definition of criteria for creating appropriate solutions that meet our clients’ needs and a project that forms a coherent whole.

Sometimes it is worth it to prepare functional and technical programming. Such is the case when detailed guidelines must be drafted, especially with regard to operational issues or current and future needs.

A holistic approach 

The result of these processes is an overall vision that gives rise to truly informed choices. We present options to the clients with analytical criteria grids to allow them to identify optimal solutions and make the best choices.

Nothing is left to chance. Our projects’ success can be largely explained by rigorous planning. We believe that the key to success is based on a clear and exhaustive preliminary design. This makes the planning and estimate stage more effective so construction can run smoothly.